
Zorp CMMS: Revolutionizing Facility and Asset Management

Zorp CMMS: Revolutionizing Facility and Asset Management

Managing facilities and assets is a complex task, requiring businesses to keep track of equipment, schedule maintenance, and handle unexpected issues—all while ensuring minimal downtime. With Zorp’s Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), we set out to simplify this process. The goal was to create a comprehensive tool that would allow businesses to manage their assets, track performance, and carry out preemptive maintenance seamlessly. This article takes you through the creative process and the UX journey that brought Zorp CMMS to life.

Project type

Project type

UX Design

UX Design







USA - India

USA - India



Asset & Facility Management

Asset & Facility Management



Lead Product & UX

Lead Product & UX



3 months

3 months

Identifying the Needs

Identifying the Needs

Facility and asset management often involves juggling multiple tasks—tracking asset uptime, managing work orders, scheduling maintenance, and more. Through user research, we identified that many existing solutions were either too complicated or lacked the necessary features to streamline these tasks effectively.

I began by interviewing facilities managers and operations teams to understand their daily challenges. The feedback was consistent: users needed a system that could not only track assets but also predict and prevent issues before they occurred. They also wanted the ability to monitor work orders and asset performance in real-time, ensuring that nothing slipped through the cracks.

Designing the Solution

Designing the Solution

With these insights in mind, I started conceptualizing the Zorp CMMS. The design needed to be intuitive enough for everyday use, yet powerful enough to handle the complexities of asset management.

The first step was to map out the key features:

Asset Tracking: Users needed a centralized dashboard where they could view all assets, track their status, and monitor uptime.

Preemptive Maintenance: The system would include tools for scheduling and managing maintenance tasks, helping prevent issues before they escalated.

Work Orders: Users would be able to issue, track, and manage work orders efficiently, with real-time updates on progress and completion.

I sketched initial wireframes that visualized these features, focusing on creating a user-friendly interface. The asset tracking dashboard, for example, was designed to give users an overview of all assets at a glance, with the ability to dive deeper into specific details as needed. The work order management system was designed to be straightforward, allowing users to create, assign, and monitor tasks with just a few clicks.

Prototyping & User Testing

Prototyping & User Testing

Once the initial designs were in place, I moved on to prototyping. I created interactive prototypes using Figma that showcased the core functionality of Zorp CMMS. These prototypes were tested with a group of potential users to gather feedback on usability and functionality.

During testing, users appreciated the simplicity of the interface but requested additional features, such as customizable alerts for maintenance tasks and more detailed reporting capabilities. I took this feedback into account, refining the design to include these enhancements. The result was a more robust system that still maintained its user-friendly nature.

Testing also revealed the importance of flexibility in the work order management system. Users needed to be able to customize work orders to fit their specific processes. To accommodate this, I designed a system that allowed for easy customization of fields, priorities, and workflows.

Bringing the Design to Life

Bringing the Design to Life

With the final design ready, I worked closely with the development team to bring Zorp CMMS to life. This phase involved regular check-ins and iterations to ensure that the design vision was fully realized in the product. The challenge was to balance the need for a powerful backend with an interface that remained accessible to all users.

One of the key achievements during this phase was the successful implementation of the preemptive maintenance feature. This required the integration of data analytics to predict potential issues before they occurred, helping users avoid costly downtime.

Outcome & Impact

Outcome & Impact

The launch of Zorp CMMS marked a significant step forward for businesses relying on efficient facility and asset management. The system’s ability to track assets, manage work orders, and schedule maintenance all in one place has greatly simplified the daily operations of many users. Post-launch feedback highlighted the system’s ease of use and the value of its preemptive maintenance capabilities, which have helped businesses reduce unexpected downtime and improve overall asset performance.

Designing Zorp CMMS was a complex but rewarding challenge. By focusing on user needs and iterating on feedback, we were able to create a system that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of facility managers and operations teams. This project reinforced the importance of a user-centered approach in designing tools for complex tasks, ensuring that even the most powerful features remain accessible and easy to use.

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